No more willpower, affirmations, and positive thinking. No more trying to silence your negative 'head trash'. No more 'trying harder' and struggling to manifest your goals. No more wondering if and when you're going to finally "make it" and get out there with your gifts!
You are fully capable of achieving even your most ambitious goals RIGHT NOW without willpower, without struggle, and without a fight—
All you have to do is make friends with the most powerful part of your mind.
FINALLY there's a group program (by phone - no travel involved!) available using the powerful belief-change science, Accelerated Change Template (ACT™)
If you're feeling frustrated, struggling or STUCK in your business and life right now
Would you like to...
Would you love to solve your money troubles once and for all?
Well, we're here to tell you that all of these problems could stem from your own belief system...your mindset on how you view your business and your life.
FINALLY there's a group program for coaches, speakers, authors, experts and heart-centered entrepreneurs (by phone - no travel involved!) using proven cutting edge technology so you can truly believe AND achieve your own personal goals like the following example:
"I now have safe, healthy, strong boundaries in all my relationships. I am The Hottest Ticket in Town because I look great, feel great and I now have all the knowledge, love and support I need to make 6-figure income of $100,000+ gross income per year charging what I am worth in my business while making a positive global impact doing what I love that is a full, authentic expression of my Divine Purpose, serving ideal clients I love, working up to 40 hours/week with 6 weeks vacation per year so that I can live and enjoy a healthy, vibrant lifestyle with the people I love while taking impeccable care of myself."
That's exactly what's possible when you join us for the
Transform Your Life When You Own The Following Beliefs:
Hi, we're Nikkea B. Devida, originator of the Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change System and Accelerated Results Business Mentor and Linda Allred, known as the Certified Hypnotist/ACT™ Practitioner Expert. We have spent the last 20+ years studying the power of the mind so we could offer our clients the fastest, quickest and easiest ways to get them UNSTUCK by helping them let go their limiting beliefs.
If you're saying to yourself right now, "That's great Nikkea and Linda, but I need to focus on getting clients, not worrying about myself" then we want you to stop for a second and listen to what we have to say because...
Your thoughts and your mindset are the key to getting more clients and making more money.
In fact, all the marketing in the world won't help your business's bottom line if you don't have the right mindset around how you view yourself, what you have to offer, and how you can serve others!
Trust us on this fact. We've worked with thousands of business owners using belief change work like we're sharing with you in this program and they've all experienced greater results in their business and life just by shifting and changing their mindset around the things that keep them stuck and struggling.
Let us help YOU get back on track to living your happiest most prosperous life ever by showing you how to squash your limited beliefs and literally skyrocket your business and life.
It's easier and faster than you thought possible, and no, it's not a magic pill that will instantly create tons of clients knocking on your door. Success is only achieved by working on yourself and your mindset. When you eliminate limiting beliefs from your life, you'll see big changes in your business and life.
Belief or energy change work is a definite game changer. This is the secret we have been teaching our private VIP client's for the past 20+ years and now YOU can join in on the fun and squash your limiting beliefs too! Plus wait until you see the results we can achieve in 6 short weeks in your business and life!
The process we use in our "Be The Hottest Ticket In Town" 6-Week Program is called ACT™ (A-C-T), which stands for Accelerated Change Template. Nikkea B. Devida is the originator of the ACT™ Subconscious Belief Change Process and Linda Allred is a Certified Hypnotist/ACT™ Practitioner Expert and one of only a few people in the USA that is trained in (ACT™) - a powerful belief-change science using the energy work of kinesiology (which you may know as muscle testing) that will forever uproot the single biggest fear or doubt you have about achieving your goals...and replace it with positive beliefs statements that free you to move forward. And you don't even have to "try hard" to do it!
It takes a little bit to explain on how it works, but just know that it's one of the quickest ways to literally get out of your own way and let go of your limiting beliefs. We know that you're probably aware that by just sitting and hoping for change to occur in your life or your business or doing affirmations aren't enough. You need to take affirmative action to achieve the ultimate results you desire.
And you can do all this in just 6 weeks in our...
"My results from this work are so profound that they really can't be explained. By releasing the limiting beliefs, there is a shift that moves you from a place of "I need to get these things done" to "this is what I want to create and I now know I can do it." Perspective changes from wanting something to happen, to making it possible. For a novice business owner, this is the necessary first step to allow all the new knowledge to be put into motion. If you want to release the struggle, Nikkea and Linda's ACT system will dissolve it in no time, with little effort. As more people use this technology, it is sure to change the world. Thank you both for the magnificent transformation!"
Claire Allard
Mvhw Corp
Products for a Prettier Planet
"Before working with ACT™ I was bringing in $63,000 a year. I wanted to expand my business but I knew I had some limiting beliefs around being afraid to succeed.
After ACT™, 2015 was a banner year. I had the courage to say YES to a JV opportunity. I quadrupled my business, hired 6 staff members, and in the month of November brought in $63,000. That is as much as I had made in the entire year in 2014.
Thank you Linda and Nikkea. I am no longer afraid to succeed. You have made me The Hottest Ticket In 'My' Town."
Jamie Gilleland
Misyte, CEO
Statesboro, GA
"My client load has gone up ten-fold and my income rose 50% before the ACT program even ended. I was shocked by how fast the changes happened once I got the ACT process down. I look at the amount of change that has happened for how little work it took. Not only is my income up and still rising, but people are now approaching me asking for my services and approaching me with offers for speaking engagements, rather than me having to chase clients!
The business coaching during our private session has been invaluable and has significantly simplified my marketing efforts and my business structure. Nikkea's ideas and insights were so on point! I made some immediate changes after our phone call and have already begun to see changes in the business. I haven't even completed all the implementation, but I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of me in my business and people are approaching me with offers for speaking engagements!
Thank you! Your gift for systems and your commitment has saved me years of struggle, frustration, wasted money and time! I've finally found what works and can create change for myself FAST! I cannot thank you enough."
Athena Murphy
The Charisma Wizard
"Before working with ACT™, I was already doing things to propel my business and my personal growth, but things just were not "clicking" and moving forward. I felt stuck. I contacted Linda and opened up to her whole heartedly. I know she could hear the pain I was feeling by what I was saying, and she was so understanding and nonjudgmental. Linda helped me understand that my 'limiting beliefs' might be holding me back from taking action and achieving my goals, and invited me to join her 90-Day Virtual Group Get Your ACT™ Together and Squash Your Limiting (Subconscious) Beliefs Program which uses the powerful Accelerated Change Template (ACT™) belief change tool.
Because of working with Linda I now know my true value and worth. My fears are miraculously disappearing and my business is really taking off! I am also able to serve my clients even better because of my new found confidence! My phone is ringing and my email box is filling up with request from clients that want to do business with ME!
And since October 2013, I have increased my revenues by 366%!
Thank you for all you help!"
Shannon Cunningham LeBlanc
Chief Romance Officer, Paradise Vacation Escapes
Baton Rouge, LA
"Before working with ACT™, I had big time limiting beliefs about the ability to speak to super successful people. My goal was to be a professional speaker, but I just couldn't imagine they would be interested in what I had to say.
After ACT™, I have been on fire. My confidence emboldens me to say things that I wouldn't otherwise say and do things I wouldn't otherwise do. One comment last week led to booking a speaking gig on the spot and the other gained entry into an intimate VIP speaker program in Las Vegas with one of the top people in the business."
Albert Pellissier
Baton Rouge, LA
"After participating in the ACT™ sessions, I find I have more clarity on where my subconscious beliefs have gotten in my way.
Those negative beliefs had slowed me down from being more successful in my business and in finding a worthy relationship. By being able to clearly determine the 'hidden' issues I had with myself and others, that I was 'not seeing' before, I have been able to build upon a stronger foundation of belief in myself.
I now know that I can be at the top of my game in business, have all of the things I want, set and reach realistic goals and find love that is true and long lasting. Although we are constantly discovering more about ourselves, I feel that the ACT™ program is a terrific tool to get to the root of many of our problems quickly.
Once you are aware you can choose to change or not. It's up to you. Thanks for helping me get clearer on eliminating my limiting beliefs!"
Libby Quintana
LegalShield-Director/Risk Management Consultant
On Q Productions
No, you won't need wonder drugs to make this positive change and get rid of your negative "mind chatter" - that little voice in your head that tells you, "Nope - you can't do that! You'll never succeed!"
ACT™ is designed to help you let go of your limiting beliefs that are stored in your subconscious mind in as little as 2 to 5 MINUTES (once the belief is found) so you can achieve groundbreaking success in all areas of your life.
You might be wondering, what exactly is a limiting belief? Well, here's the best way we can describe this negative force and how it keeps you from achieving your goals.
Think of your limiting beliefs being like a giant log jam in your subconscious mind. Loggers will tell you that if they can free up the one log that's called the "Kingpin" all of the other logs in the jam will break up easily and freely float down the stream with no resistance. Imagine that your "Kingpin" is your Highest Priority Belief (HPB), and that it's the feeling that you are not "good enough" to succeed. Through the years you've probably added even more limiting beliefs to this "mental log jam" and have now created a huge resistance to believing you will succeed at anything!
Nikkea B. Devida and Linda Allred recently decided to collaborate on this program and share this Accelerated Change Template (ACT™) "secret" FORMULA with you. Here's a part of it: Our intention is to give you proven strategies you can start using IMMEDIATELY to kick negativity out of your mind (and your life!) to make room for every possible joy imaginable, including living a happy, healthy, prosperous, and vibrant life!
I know that those letters look like a bunch of kindergarten children scribbled on a piece of paper, but a certain kind of magic happens when you follow the steps in this equation.
"When I first started working with ACT™ VIP Mentorship Program, I was totally "stuck in a rut" in a job that I truly detested, yet I felt incapable of getting out of it.
The power of ACT™ helped me identify the Limiting (subconscious) Beliefs that were holding me back from taking steps to instigating change, especially in my employment situation. After letting go of my feelings of low self - worth, regaining my personal power and my misconceptions about money, I am so happy to say that I now have a job I truly love and as an extra benefit even my relationship with my spouse has improved as well!."
Thank you for this lasting gift. I feel so much better about who I am and who I am fast becoming."
Joan Hoffman
Eastern Therapy Specialist
"I have had the pleasure of working with Linda this year and I must say that many areas of my life have changed for the better. One of the biggest changes has come in my finances. There was always more going out than coming in. Now I have more of a flow and I just don't worry about it anymore!
Linda's expertise in the ACT™ (Accelerated Change Template) and hypnosis work that she did with me was powerful, and I have had very tangible and fast results! She has amazing insight and intuition that she uses in each of her sessions.
I feel I have so much more confidence in myself and this has enhanced every area of my life! I highly recommend her services for any area of your life you need help with!"
Debra Sholly
Astrologer, Baton Rouge, LA
Still have questions? Let's see if we can further explain how the amazing process of ACT™ works.
The goal of ACT™ is to bring the subconscious, conscious, and superconscious minds into alignment so that:
Doesn't it just make sense to add this life-changing tool into your personal transformation toolbox kit to help you easily achieve the success you desire?
Let's talk about what you're going to learn by attending the
You'll learn the 5 Simple Steps of the C.L.E.A.R™ process:
And here's more detail about each of the steps.
This is the first, but very important part of your change process. You've heard the saying "Be careful what you ask for...because you just might get it"? Well, with ACT™, you WILL get it. This step ensures that you're crystal clear on the outcome you desire- and that your subconscious mind understands EXACTLY what that means!
Choose. We start here because Choosing your goal is the core of what you intend to manifest. It also informs your subconscious mind of the beliefs that are not in alignment with that goal. Everything else is reverse-engineered from the goal. (Sometimes, choosing the goal may be what you're most resisting. So we start here and pull it together so you have no excuses in manifesting what you've chosen as your goal.)
Communicate. Then, you learn how to establish direct Communication with your subconscious mind with the Accelerated Success Kit (ASK)™. The ASK™ module gives you the tools you need to communicate with your subconscious mind on your own, with a partner, and with clients. A detailed, step-by-step video tutorial shows you many different techniques you can choose from to Communicate with your subconscious mind, as well as the step by step process to follow. You only need to choose one that works for you, and you're on your way.
Clarify. You'll also get Nikkea's 5-step Accelerated Intention Method (AIM)™ process. The language of the conscious mind and subconscious mind are very different. The AIM™ process will "clarify" your goal in the language that your subconscious mind understands. It's like a translation process that allows you to communicate your conscious goal to your subconscious mind. This is goal-setting for your subconscious mind, NOT your conscious mind.
You learn:
This is where we get permission from your conscious mind, subconscious mind, and superconscious mind to manifest your goal. Because this is such an accelerated method of change, this creates safety to make sure that it's in your highest and best interest to change all of the beliefs needed to quickly and easily achieve your goal.
Now that you have secured your overall goal, you're ready to get the levels of permission. This is a fast and easy process, but one that can't be overlooked or ignored. Fortunately, it's built into my step-by-step process, so you'll always know that it's safe and appropriate to "go after" the goal you've set for yourself, while changing all the beliefs needed to make it happen. You also learn:
Next we identify the limiting beliefs requiring change so that you can quickly and easily manifest your goal. By identifying the highest priority beliefs, you can get the fastest change in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of effort. You'll know you've identified the right beliefs to change from the very beginning!
There IS a way to identify the exact beliefs in the exact right order that need to be changed in support of your goal. There is a most efficient, effective pathway to follow to get the best result quickly, easily and effortlessly. I want you to feel completely comfortable that you can identify the highest priority beliefs you need to change by the time you're done with this module.
You also learn:
We'll show you how to align your limiting beliefs. Once you learn the steps, it only takes minutes to change them. (You edit. You save. And you're done, remember?)
Ah, now we've gotten to the "secret sauce." This is what sets the Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ belief change method apart from the rest of those change techniques, trainings, and modalities out there. Knowing how to facilitate the change with these simple but powerful alignments is the key to changing your beliefs quickly and easily.
You'll be amazed at the wisdom and thoroughness of this process, and how effortlessly your beliefs change once you learn my easy formula. (Your beliefs practically re-write themselves!) It's so easy, you'll wonder how you struggled with this for so long!
You also learn:
Every time you align for a goal, let's make sure you identify and change every belief needed to support your new vision. You don't have to re-align a belief once you've changed it, but you probably have many beliefs around an overall goal that need to be changed. This last step makes sure you don't miss any beliefs that need to be changed. With nothing left to chance, this step acts as a smooth transition to manifesting your goals without all the effort, struggle, overwhelm, and trying so hard...whew!
Changing your beliefs is obviously important to achieving your goals. But changing ALL the limiting beliefs holding you back on a certain goal is essential to manifesting that goal in record time. This simple but critical part of the change process is here to make sure you haven't left any beliefs untouched that needed to be changed. This will allow you to enjoy greater speed with less effort toward your goal.
You learn:
These are the 5 steps we use to PERSONALLY change our own limiting beliefs, and to magically transform them from beliefs that sabotage us and hold us back, into those that support us and propel us forward in minutes. And remember, we're going to walk you through the steps during the Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change Mentorship Program, so you won't be going about it alone.
Consider this your personal training and accountability program!
It's going to take us only 6 weeks to show you how to align all these positive belief statements into your everyday lifestyle, and the results you'll see at the end will blow you away!
Our Be The Hottest Ticket in Town ACT™ Virtual Bootcamp 6-Week Program! is exactly what you need if you've been struggling to boost your business and life into the stratosphere!
We're limiting the size of this program to just a small group of highly motivated entrepreneurs so we can give you all of the support you need to achieve the fastest results possible so it's important to ACT now to reserve your spot.
We'll work together on the business and life-changing areas on the twelve areas mentioned above by using teaching you the positive and proven steps to erase any limiting beliefs you may have surrounding them and replacing those dream crushers with positive game-changing ones! Frankly, who wouldn't like more money, more self-confidence and worthiness, more focus and clarity about their life's purpose?
"Before I started working with ACT™, I had big goals but was not achieving them. I was working and doing the right things, yet nothing was working. After just 4 sessions using the Accelerated Change Template (ACT™) model, the world opened up for me. My income has doubled and my business is growing faster than I ever thought possible. I truly am "the hottest ticket in town" thanks to ACT™."
Myrna Arroyo
Senior Marketing Consultant
Pepper Inbound Marketing
This is important, people! It doesn't matter what goal you want to doesn't matter where you are right now in your life doesn't matter whether or not you have achieved a high level of success in your business. YOU can now easily CHANGE your circumstances and your life by joining the program that has dramatically changed the lives of tons of our happy clients!
"I want to share some of the positive experiences that have happened to me since I participated in the ACT™ VIP Mentorship program. I came wanting to improve 3 areas of my life, namely my relationship, financial and health aspects. Even though I know what my true passion and desires are, for some reason I felt stuck whenever I made any forward movement towards my goal of becoming successful in my part time Health and Wellness company, as well as my personal life. It seemed that whenever I wanted to pick up the phone or go up to a person and share my business/products with them, I would have this self-defeating feeling and negative thoughts came up which blocked me from moving forward. It was really maddening, because I could identify it but couldn't conquer it.
In my sessions, to my surprise and delight, we were able to pinpoint the exact set of limiting beliefs, my "Kingpins" and change the energy that they held over me. Once they were identified and deleted (changed) a peacefulness came over me and like I had always been that way.
Within the first day of my program, I attracted a customer that literally jumped off a chair to grab me wanting to know all about my products and he bought everything I suggested! What an exhilarating experience. As a result of this type of energy, I was able to quickly climb up another level in my business effortlessly. As far as my relationship goes, let me just say that I feel as if I'm on a second honeymoon!
Bottom line? You owe it to yourself to invest in working on getting rid of your limiting beliefs!"
Marion Chauvin
Independent Ambassador for Plexus Worldwide
The Hottest Ticket In Town ACT™ Virtual Bootcamp Program includes:
Six (6) information and transformation packed calls, including Q&A time as we walk you through the ACT™ Belief Change System. It includes audio training, video training, and comprehensive course materials. On the calls, we'll cover new information as well as questions from the pre-work. Each call will last up to 2 hours and will be recorded and posted in the exclusive online Member Site. (So if you have to miss one, you never miss out!) This site will also be used for prework, handouts, and forums. Also included is about 4 hours of video, demonstrating how to properly complete some of the steps of the change process!
Upon registering, you can dive in immediately, and start learning how to create positive, supportive beliefs right away. In this training, you get crystal clear about which goal(s) you want to achieve, and the exact beliefs you need to change in order to achieve it. (This alone can start to transform your business and life results immediately.)
All calls will happen on consecutive Thursdays
starting August 10, 2017 with the final call happening on September 14, 2017 at
4:00 pm PST | 5:00 pm MST | 6:00 pm CST | 7:00 pm EST | 2 am UK | 3 am CET | 1 am AUS
Call 1 - Thursday, August 10, 2017: How the brain works, how beliefs are formed and how to Choose and create an overall goal for the subconscious mind.
Call 2 - Thursday, August 17, 2017: Communicate: Step-by-step tutorial to learn how to quickly and accurately communicate with your subconscious mind (includes video).
Call 3 - Thursday, August 24, 2017: Clarify: How to communicate your goal in the exact language of the subconscious mind. How to talk about your goal and what you want to achieve to the most powerful part of your mind, in the language it understands using the Accelerated Intention Method (AIM)™.
Call 4 - Thursday, August 31, 2017: Levels of Permission, Elicit & Align Highest Priority Beliefs: Step-by-Step tutorial to learn how to identify and align the highest priority beliefs you need to change. You'll learn 3 ACT™ Alignment processes so you can change your beliefs in minutes (includes video).
Call 5 - Thursday, September 7, 2017: Step-by-Step Belief Change with the ACT Belief Change Blueprint: Step-by-Step tutorial to demonstrate exactly how to facilitate a belief change session from beginning to end with the ACT Belief Change Blueprint. There will also be a "hot seat" belief change session on the live call (includes video).
Call 6 - Thursday, September 14, 2017: Facilitate ACT Belief Change Session with ACT Belief Change Blueprint: Open belief change and Q&A Call.
This is an intensive virtual bootcamp. You should plan to invest about 4-5 hours per week to get the most out of this program. This includes the pre-work, the live calls, and the practice time after the calls. There are six 2-hour group calls in the ACT™ Virtual Bootcamp.
The ACT™ Virtual Bootcamp is designed to give you the ongoing guidance and support you need to help you become completely confident with the ACT™ tools. You get direct access to our 20 years of wisdom and experience in facilitating belief. Any and all questions are fair game - nothing is held back.
But that's not all. You're also going to get these great bonuses:
The ACT™ Belief Change Virtual Bootcamp includes access to an easy-to-use, always available, exclusive ACT™ Online Member Site, where you can start working on the prework and network with the other amazing entrepreneurs who
will be participating with you!
This is a private, members-only online site where you can ask your specific questions, receive expert guidance from us to implement what you're learning, see what questions and issues other people in the program are having, and enjoy the networking and community of other like-minded, heart-centered entrepreneurs in the program.
In the Member Site, you'll have all the course content including the ACT™ Belief Change Blueprint, the ACT Quick Reference Guide, audios, videos, belief statements, templates, forms, sample worksheets and more, so you can refer to it every time you need to change limiting beliefs. Every module in the teleseries has been recorded, transcribed, and is included in the course materials.
Highlights Include:
Audio Training from Nikkea. You've heard the saying, "Be Careful What You Ask For, Because You Just Might Get It!" Well, with ACT, you will! And these questions will assist you in being crystal clear about what you desire so that you will be delighted with the results. Miss any one of these, and you might land in a manifesting "minefield!"
A categorized list of Overall Goals that other participants have created in the program for the past several years. Over 200 Overall Goals organized by Physical/Health/Ideal Weight/Body, Financial/Business/Money/Career, Spiritual, Relationships, and More Categories that you can use for yourself!
Nikkea has been collecting thousands of belief statements since 1995 that she's personally aligned for herself and others. As a way to get you started right away, and start those creative juices flowing, you receive over 400 actual belief statements that you can use in 16 different business and life categories You can "install" these statements directly into your subconscious mind exactly as they are, or change them to fit your exact goals. Here are the 16 possible Belief Categories that we will focus on in this program:
One of Nikkea's big secrets to success is that she paid attention to the processes she used to get results for herself and while coaching clients and, from that, she created replicable systems. She's going to give you access to her
exclusive ACT™ Belief Change Blueprint so you can walk through this belief-transforming
process in a total step-by-step, paint-by-numbers process! Every
step is clearly mapped out for you, flow chart style, so that you can follow easily. This is one of the keys to
being able to confidently implement and use the ACT™ system right away, instead of needing weeks, months or years of experience to get started!
The ACT Belief Change Blueprint is the roadmap to navigating the change process. Nikkea was told by industry leaders that it was impossible to map out this change, and that it simply could not be done. Well, all along she knew it was a system! That's how her "engineer" mind works... It wasn't easy, but this particular blueprint took over 20 years of hands-on experience and 200 hours to map out and create. It's like having her right alongside you, as you facilitate the belief change for yourself. (Value: Priceless!)
The Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Home Study Program includes:
The recordings of eight (8) information and transformation packed calls including Q&A time as I walk you through my ACT™ Belief Change System. It includes over 13 hours of audio training, and my comprehensive course materials, templates, diagrams, charts, and forms.
This even includes about 4 hours of video training to demonstrate how to properly do the steps of the change process step-by-step.
Once you get access to the ACT™ Belief Change System, you will be able to immediately dive in and start learning how to create positive, supportive beliefs. In this training, you will be able to get crystal clear about which goal(s) you want to achieve, the exact beliefs you need to change in order to achieve it (This alone can start to transform your business and life results immediately), and the powerful change processes to align your beliefs in just minutes.
Module 1: How the brain works and how beliefs are formed
Module 2: Choose: How to choose and create an overall goal for the
subconscious mind
Module 3: Communicate: (Video) Step by Step video tutorial to learn how to
quickly and accurately communicate with your subconscious mind
Module 4: Clarify: How to communicate your goal in the exact language of the
subconscious mind. How to translate your goal and what you want to achieve
to the most powerful part of your mind in the language it understands using
the Accelerated Intention Method (AIM)™
Module 5: Elicit Highest Priority Beliefs: (Video) Step by Step video
tutorial to learn how to identify the highest priority beliefs you need to
Module 6: Align Highest Priority Beliefs and Levels of Permission: (Video)
Step by Step video tutorial to learn 3 ACT™ Alignment processes so you can
change your beliefs in minutes
Module 7: Facilitate live session: (Video) Step by Step video tutorial to
demonstrate exactly how to facilitate a belief change session from beginning
to end. There will also be a "hot seat" private session on the live call
Module 8: Open Q&A Call to get the most out of the ACT Belief Change System
and use it in your business and in your life.
The ACT™ Belief Change Home Study Course includes access to an easy-to-use, always available, exclusive ACT™ Online Member Site, where you can start working on the course materials right away!
Be stress free in no time for a happier, more rewarding, and fulfilling life! Are you stressed to the max? Not enough time? Your schedule in disarray? Too much worry, not enough fun?
Stress Free NOW Self-Hypnosis Combo Pack™! is an upbeat Self-Hypnosis program that helps you understand the cause of stress - and then gives you every weapon you need to dissolve it.
You will learn how to handle pressure, deal with conflict, and eliminate the hopeless feeling of being overwhelmed.
Linda's ebook, Get Unstuck and Squash Your Limiting Beliefs NOW! contains practical tools that will explains exactly what a Limiting Belief is and how to take steps to replace these negative thoughts with positive, more empowering ones.
This ebook also contains a two-part system: "Are Your Limiting Beliefs Keeping You Stuck?" and "What the Heck is Belief Change and Energy Work?" - two powerful action-oriented steps to help you move forward to creating a more fulfilling business and life!
Learn how to identify your own subconscious beliefs using this powerful self-muscle testing tool.
That's a Whopping Total Value of
$2,671.00 in amazing bonuses!
PLUS we have two other AMAZING bonuses for
the first 12 highly motivated people who register!
But Nikkea & Linda...
I don't believe I have any LIMITING BELIEFS!
Ask yourself this question, "Are you getting where you want to go quickly or are you STUCK spinning your wheels?" You may not even realize that you have limiting beliefs as they're "hidden" in your subconscious mind!
I don't know how to get RID OF THEM!
This program shows you EXACTLY what you need to do to get rid of your negative Limiting Beliefs and replace them quickly and easily with more positive empowering ones.
I'm not sure I can AFFORD THIS PROGRAM!
Aren't you worth it? Isn't now the time to make an investment in YOU?
No one truly loves change, but it's necessary if you want to build a more fulfilling life and skyrocket your business to the stratosphere.
I'm not sure I have the TIME!
We all lead busy lives these days. Have to miss a call? No worries! All the calls will be recorded so you can listen later. Good news! The phenomenon of energy work is even if you are not on the call live you still receive the positive results as if you were actually listening to it "live."
We'll deal with getting rid of that major roadblock together! You'll learn to easily charge what you know you're worth AND attract the exact clients you need to make that happen!
Are you ready to join us and FINALLY say goodbye to those Limiting Beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving the lifestyle you truly want and deserve!
When you sign up for our Be The Hottest Ticket In Town ACT™ Virtual Bootcamp Program! you'll easily learn how to:
Here's how it's going to work:
You'll be sent an invitation to register in our exclusive online Member Site. There you'll find the entire "ACT™ Belief Change System" steps laid out for you in a clear, easy-to-follow format.
Each week you'll have assignments to complete from the program. You'll need to listen to the audio and/or watch the videos and go through the worksheets. Then, you'll join us for a 2-hour training and group accountability call where we'll cover content, answer questions, provide hot-seat coaching and more.
There's only catch here-- you really need to do the work to participate in the group calls (otherwise it's not much of an accountability program, is it?). You should plan to invest 4-5 hours per week to get the most out of this program. This includes the pre-work, the live calls, and the practice time after the calls.
You'll have 6 training and Q&A calls.
Have to miss a call? No worries! Each training and Q&A call will be recorded and posted in the Member Site for you.
Just to back that up, we'll give you until the end of the second session of the Be the Hottest Ticket in Town ACT™ Virtual Bootcamp Program to live with the work and REALLY decide if it's for your heart. If you decide it's not for you... just let us know, return the complete product (in original packaging with all components and bonuses) in re-saleable condition and get a refund of the course tuition.* No reason needed. No hard feelings. No hoops to jump through. You can't lose with our 100% ironclad, money back guarantee. FAIR ENOUGH???
*Minus shipping and handling!
Ready to reserve your spot?
I understand I'm going to get the Hottest Ticket in Town ACT™ Virtual Bootcamp where I'll learn to choose my goals, and elicit and align the highest priority beliefs I need to change in order to get paid and build a business doing work I love with profit, purpose and impact, and gain the confidence that comes with all parts of my mind in alignment with my goals and being ready!
Plus, I'll get these bonuses:
And I know I'm protected by your "I Love this Training" Guarantee.
If you are no-kidding ready to step out of wishing, wanting, and hoping into CLAIMING the life of your dreams, we invite you to register now for the Hottest Ticket In Town Virtual Training
for the amazing investment of $1497 $997!
NOTE: If you have previously completed one of the following programs:
You may Upgrade to the ACT Virtual Bootcamp For Only $400:
Payment Plans Are Also Available In Easy Monthly Payments!!
(Payments will be processed in 30 day increments.)
(Plus shipping. Sales tax added for CA residents)
Rest easy - your order will be processed on secure servers.
Next Hottest Ticket In Town ACT™ Virtual Bootcamp:
Call 1: Thursday, August 10
Call 2: Thursday, August 17
Call 3: Thursday, August 24
Call 4: Thursday, August 31
Call 5: Thursday, September 7
Call 6: Thursday, September 14
All calls are at 4pm PT/7pm ET.
We are limiting the size of this program to only a handful of committed, heart centered entrepreneurs and change agents. This is small group program; we're keeping the size small and intimate so you can enjoy lots of personal attention along with the power of the group. Plus we'll be working together closely for 6 calls... so we can walk you through the process step by step
Did you know that one of the most prominent characteristics of successful people is that they are willing and open to taking new actions? As the saying goes, "when you do what you've always done you get the same result you have always gotten." Successful people invest in themselves and their future and they take educated risks.
Do they make mistakes?
Of course, they do! (We all do!) However, they are decisive, take focused action, and move forward much faster because they have a partner/coach in their corner guiding them and holding their hand every step of the way. It is also a well-known fact that successful people make decisions based on their gut instinct. That being said, this must feel right to you, so let's get started.
Make the right choice and sign up TODAY. Click the above link to join in on the fun and learn how applying the science of ACT™ can boost your self-esteem, shore up your self-confidence levels, and soar to prosperity in your business NOW!
We look forward to connecting with you in this life-changing program!
Love and hugs,
P.S. Look, let us be honest here. It doesn't matter to us if you invest in this program or not. It DOES, however, matter to us that you MAKE A DECISION about it before you jump off this page. Please don't let this be one more thing you need to "think about." Nothing will keep you from your dreams faster than delaying decisions. So YES or NO, trust that and move forward. If YES, Reserve your spot and learn our system for becoming the Hottest Ticket In Town When You Squash Your Limiting (Subconscious) Beliefs.
P.P.S. Please note that you only have a limited time to invest in our easy payment plans. If you're ready to move forward in your business and life, and you want an easy payment plan, then reserve your space while you can!
P.P.P.S. Remember, you ALSO get 1 Private Session each with Nikkea B. Devida and Linda Allred. This is a $1,500 bonus! Take advantage of this while you still can. Reserve your space now.
Have Questions? Please feel free to contact us by email at:
"I really enjoyed the interaction with Linda. She is sincere in her efforts to help people improve their lives and that comes through. The changes were subtle - I would do things I had been avoiding without really thinking about it. For me, the realization of how far I had come was the day of my daughter's wedding. I'm not much of a "social" person and putting all this together for her was truly a labor of love. In other words, a recipe for my procrastination to kick in. I found out at the last minute that I had to be in Houston for work the week of the wedding - time I had planned to use to do last minute prep.
I had so wanted to be completely done with everything so I could enjoy the day with my daughter. The day after the wedding, as my husband and I were reflecting on everything and how flawlessly it went, I realized I had gotten exactly what I wanted. Without really thinking about it, I had done so much before that week, that the need to be out of town for work was really a non-issue.
There weren't any last minute details left to do! I am so glad that I decided to work with Linda. She helped me gift myself with a wonderful stress-free wedding day for me and my daughter."
Kathy Redmond
Certified Zentangle Teacher, Baton Rouge, LA
"Before doing ACT™, I had just retired from the Federal Government after 26 years, and moved across the country to Baton Rouge to take care of my mother who had a stroke. I was emotionally drained and exhausted, and didn't know which direction I needed to go. I knew I wanted to work on my spiritual path, get my health and my body in shape and do something with the rest of my life - I just couldn't figure out what.
I met Linda during the Baton Rouge Women's Council's Women's Week. After attending one of her seminars, I decided that I wanted to work with her.
One of the questions that Linda asked of me was, "In a perfect world, briefly describe what your day would be like." That just completely opened up the world for me. The idea of not having to think about the "got to's" and start dreaming again just made my world open up, and got me thinking about all the possibilities. When I answered this question, Linda made it seem so reasonable, completely understood it, and made me feel like it was very attainable.
In the last 6 months, I have gone back to school and now have my real estate license. I've got a broker that I've hooked up with who has become not only my mentor, but also my friend, and I've sold my first home! I've gotten my Reiki One and Two Certificates and just signed up for an Intensive Pranic Healing Course in November. I also have a couple other businesses that I'm working with.
Every day is just exciting. When I go to bed at night, I have a smile on my face, and I don't even mind getting up when that alarm goes off at 6:30. It's just an exciting day, every day!
Pat Cole
Real Estate Agent, Baton Rouge, LA
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent this program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are atypical results and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his/her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will definitely experience financial results.